About us

Charis Equip Consult was founded by Odunayo Oke, an experienced leader and mentor with over 20 years in corporate management and leadership develop- ment with the aim of collaborating with leaders and their organizations to provide the much needed support through training and consultancy. Our passion is to help in raising high impact leadership that is able to find their own unique and authentic leadership style which will allow them to get the best from themselves and the people they lead.

We encourage our clients to find their own path through complex business, career and organizational challenges. We believe that strong leadership defines the success of an organization especially during challenging times. Leaders need to develop new leadership and interpersonal skills to thrive in rapidly changing environments and manage staff and teams for maximum performance.

We also help our clients to become stronger, more energizing leaders through high impact  executive  coaching and  business coaching.   We bring  encouragement, creativity, emotional intelligence, and strong business savvy.
Our goal is to provide a profound understanding of how leaders are perceived as leaders in the context of their organizations. CEC does not try to suggest best solutions, instead it builds your cross-functional excellence that widens your horizons and helps you build unique cross- functional combinations.

We provide training for all categories of church workers such as:- Pastors, Deaconate, Sunday School teachers, Evangelism Committee, Counseling and Follow-up Com- mittee, Organizational leaders such WMU, MMU, Youth Presidents and Children Ministry Coordinator, Ushers, Financial Committee. etc.